Well, these are certainly interesting times. Since our last newsletter, the world has seemed to turn upside down. I urge everyone to remain calm, use common sense, and wash your hands. We have decided not to lose our place for our Golf Tournament by delaying it, however as we get closer to the date, we will be monitoring the situation and at that time move it if necessary, but for now business as usual. It would be nice if we could say business as usual for the industry, but we need to be patient and hang on.
AMBA Membership Committee Update: April 2020
I think everyone would agree that our AGM in February at Rural Routes in Leduc, AB was a resounding success. The strength of our association was amplified by the interactions between members and a few excellent presentations from 908 Engineering and Apprenticeship and Industry Training. Your Association continues to strive to provide opportunities for the strengthening and growth of our industry in Alberta.
State of the Industry: April 2020
How do you describe, comment on, or event predict an outcome of what we are going through right now? We have no evidence to rely on in which to forecast. History has been plagued with pandemics; however, never has one been so widespread during a time where established supply chains have been so globally integrated. Here is what we know.
PAC Ironworker Update: April 2020
Executive Director Report: Spring 2020
What a different world we currently live in! The COVID-19 virus has swept in like a hurricane, instantly changing our way of life, and quite likely for the for foreseeable future. The current focus is on reducing loss of life. Our economy will suffer untold consequences and could take a long period of time to return to “normal”. The upside is humans are resilient and Albertans especially so! This crisis will end and it will take all of our efforts to rebuild. With over 200 labs world wild searching for antiviral medications and vaccines, it is only a matter of time before successes are found.
AMBA 2020 Annual General Meeting Recap
We had an excellent turn out at our AGM held in February at Rural Routes Brewing in Leduc. It was a great opportunity to network with fellow industry participants and get a better understanding on industry requirements that impact metal building design and construction. Thank you to our presenters and to all our members for continually supporting AMBA – our strength is in our voice.