Key Takeaways: Metal Building Systems Erector (MBSE) Apprenticeship Program

Annual General Meeting 2025: Key Takeaways

Metal Building Systems Erector (MBSE) Apprenticeship Program:

Presented by Ryan Hector, Associate Dean – School of Construction and Building Sciences.

1.      Apprenticeship Advisory Committees provide input to NAIT’s Apprenticeship Advisor Council on Apprenticeship Education Programming. The Advisory Committee is comprised of Industry & Alumni, AIT representatives and NAIT program instructors. To learn more, or if you are interested in joining:

2.      The Ironworker Program consists of 4 periods, the 1st and 3rd period are specific to the MBSE Program. MBSE Delivery Methods for 2025/2026: 1st year periods will be delivered face-to-face; and the 3rd period delivered in a blended model with theory completed online and the practical portion done at NAIT’s shop facilities.

3.      Enrollment Stats: 1st period has had consistently strong enrollment for the past 3 years. 3rd period fall enrollment was weak but picked up for the current spring session. Enrollment levels will dictate the number of periods that will be delivered annually. Industry may sponsor periods, providing there is a sufficient number of students to fill the session. Registration for upcoming sessions opens in May. To learn more or register:

4.      Program Waitlists: If you have an apprentice on the waitlist, the Registrars office emails the apprentice at 9 pm. The first apprentice to pay and enroll gets the spot. If you are an employer paying for an apprentice on the waitlist, email the agreement/letter to to have the apprentice’s record flagged.