AMBA Membership Committee Update: April 2020

I think everyone would agree that our AGM in February at Rural Routes in Leduc, Alberta was a resounding success. The strength of our association was amplified by the interactions between members and a few excellent presentations from 908 Engineering and Apprenticeship and Industry Training. Your Association continues to strive to provide opportunities for the strengthening and growth of our industry in Alberta.

Our Association relies on a strong membership and we continue to look for opportunities to grow the membership base. If anyone knows of a firm working in our industry in the Province of Alberta who may benefit from membership, please pass their contact information on to any one of the board members and we will follow up with an information package and application.

We are pleased to welcome two new Members. Atkinson Construction (ACL) Ltd and Robertson Building Systems.

If you have not already done so, please submit your Membership Dues for 2020 at your earliest convenience.