AMBA Newsletter: Spring 2020

AMBA Spring 2020 Update
Spring 2020 Newsletter
Message from the Chairman of the Board
Well these are certainly interesting times. Since our last newsletter, the world has seemed to turn upside down. I urge everyone to remain calm, use common sense, and wash your hands. We have decided not to lose our place for our Golf Tournament by delaying it, however as we get closer to the date, we will be monitoring the situation and at that time move it if necessary, but for now business as usual. It would be nice if we could say business as usual for the industry, but we need to be patient and hang on.
John Weran
Chairman, AMBA
What a different world we currently live in! The COVID-19 virus has swept in like a hurricane, instantly changing our way of life, and quite likely for the for foreseeable future. The current focus is on reducing loss of life. Our economy will suffer untold consequences and could take a long period of time to return to “normal”. The upside is humans are resilient and Albertans especially so! This crisis will end and it will take all of our efforts to rebuild. With over 200 labs world wide searching for antiviral medications and vaccines, it is only a matter of time before successes are found.
Roger Geisinger
Executive Director, AMBA
Save the date for the AMBA 2020 Annual Golf Tournament to take place at the Ranch Golf & Country Club!  Registration and sponsorship is now open! Gain access to key decision-makers in the metal building industry, support the trade, and have fun!
Thursday, June 18, 2020
7:00 AM 4:30 PM
The Ranch Golf and Country Club
Want to add a secondary contact to your membership or would you like to subscribe your team to the AMBA newsletter mailing list? Complete the additional contact information on our 2020 membership application form today!
We had an excellent turn out at our AGM held in February at Rural Routes Brewing in Leduc, Alberta. It was a great opportunity to network with fellow industry participants and get a better understanding on industry requirements that impact metal building design and construction. Thank you to our presenters and to all our members for continually supporting AMBA – our strength is in our voice.
Cam Buskell and Craig Boris, 908 Engineering, presented on NECB requirements and the benefit of energy modeling.
Paul Uschaz, AIT Officer Area Supervisor, presented on Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry training & compliancy.
The Jim Mitchell Memorial Award was presented to Jordan Snopek (left) by Cody Bexson of Bexson Construction.
I think everyone would agree that our AGM in February at Rural Routes in Leduc, Alberta was a resounding success. The strength of our association was amplified by the interactions between members and a few excellent presentations from 908 Engineering and Apprenticeship and Industry Training. Your Association continues to strive to provide opportunities for the strengthening and growth of our industry in Alberta.
Welcome New Members!
How do you describe, comment on, or event predict an outcome of what we are going through right now? We have no evidence to rely on in which to forecast. History has been plagued with pandemics; however, never has one been so widespread during a time where established supply chains have been so globally integrated. Here is what we know.
Provincial Apprenticeship Committee (PAC) for the Ironworker Trade meets regularly to discuss new items, review how the tests are preforming and to go over any exam questions that are getting either very high or low marks.
Nine elements that should be included in every construction firm’s formal risk management strategy.

Author, Ryan Howsam (Principal FMI Corporation) unpacks a holistic strategic approach to better managing risk in construction.

The Alberta construction industry is only going to get tougher with more competition, and less room for error… How can you better position your company to mitigate that risk?
Alberta Occupational Health and Safety released a bulletin earlier this year to inform employers what they may expect when an OHS officer performs an inspection at your work site.

Inspections may be carried out as the result of a complaint, a follow up, an incident, or as part of a proactive inspection program.

This document provides a concise outline of the process.
Employers and workers have a shared responsibility of ensuring the health and safety of themselves and other workers at the worksite.

If isolation measures have been adopted in an outbreak, employers may need to set up a process for ensuring that ill workers have completed any required isolation, as directed by health authorities, before returning to work.

Alberta occupational health and safety (OHS) recently issued a guideline to educate employers, supervisors and employees on their responsibility for managing a healthy work environment.
The What, Why, and Where

What is a Vapour Retarder?
A vapour retarder is a material designed to limit the amount of moisture in the air from traveling through it. The effectiveness of a vapour retarder is measured in terms of the permeance of the material. The Permeance is defined as the rate of water vapour transmission through a material in a given amount of time per unit area. Most of us in the industry know this as the “perm” rating.