Executive Director Report: Fall 2021

Roger Geisinger, AMBA Executive Director

Not surprising that 2021 continues to throw curve balls at the world! To start, I would like to advise our members that your AMBA board of directors continues to volunteer their time for the betterment of our industry! We had our first in person meeting this year on September 2 and recently held a very successful golf tournament. We continue to monitor any changes to our apprenticeship programs resulting from the proclamation of Bill 67.

I would like to acknowledge past and current members for their efforts. The Board is always looking for ways to help our members. If you have any concerns or ideas please contact a Board member as they are always looking for feedback. If you have an interest in joining the Board, please contact AMBA. Erector members are especially welcome!

A couple of interesting recent developments, especially since we live in an energy producing province: West Texas Intermediate crude recently pushed through the $75 a barrel mark; at the same time, natural gas has reached its highest point since 2014. Europe is currently in an energy crisis with supply disruptions and soaring prices. Apparently, the rush to distance itself from oil and gas is a bit too aggressive and that agenda is moving too fast. Soaring carbon taxes have shriveled new investment to the point that supply is having trouble meeting demand. No matter what your feelings are on climate change, the world still relies on oil and gas and will for quite some time. In Alberta, we will not likely see the boom times this industry has had in the past, but it should mean energy companies will still need to continue to invest in new infrastructure. There are also considerable investments in the "green" sector, such as carbon capture projects. The result will be new opportunities for the construction sector!

2021 continues to be a year of change with another federal election behind us (perhaps not enough change for some of us!) and we still have municipal elections this fall. COVID continues to decimate Alberta Health Services and has a dramatic effect on everyday life and how business is conducted. Let's hope "normal" times are not too far down the road!