Message from the Chair: Summer 2024

Happy Spring!   


A cold and wet spring has made construction challenging! While Alberta farmers are shouting from the roof tops, the same can’t be said for construction crews navigating mucky sites! 


The AMBA board has been busy planning the 2024 Golf Tournament and steel building construction training sessions. Unfortunately, the response to the June 26 Curb Training session has been disappointing – erector companies have been too busy to take time away from building to attending the session. Although AMBA members identified training as one area where AMBA can provide value to the membership, the board needs more feedback on training timing and content so that we can ensure that we are working on initiatives that will be well supported and valued by our members. 


AMBA’s 20th Golf tournament, hosted at The Ranch Golf and Country Club in Acheson, was a huge success.  With almost all of the 18 holes sponsored and some generous donations, we were able to raise funds for Metal Building System Erector bursaries. The more seasonable weather was enjoyed by 72 golfers where we were able to celebrate Ralph Ward on ‘his game’ and his contributions to our industry and association. Thank you to all our sponsors and golfers for your support! 


Your AMBA board remains committed to working with you, our industry partners. Your support, engagement and feedback are essential to strengthen and build our industry.