Project Profile: Maple Creek, Saskatchewan Fire Hall

Protecting the Community: Maple Creek, Saskatchewan Fire Hall

As firefighting demands increase across Canada, it is particularly more challenging with limited budgets to meet the needs of protecting rural communities. The Town of Maple Creek, in Saskatchewan, fundraised for over 4 years and finally, after collaborating with all levels of government and volunteers, was able to build their new Community Fire Hall at a cost of $1.2 Million.

In 2019, the Town of Maple Creek worked with an architect and developed conceptual drawings and specifications to tender the project in a competitive bid process. Unfortunately, the cost to build significantly exceeded the budget and the building committee had to go back to the drawing board.

Having previously built four other fire halls and working in the Maple Creek community, GVN Structures was approached by the Town of Maple Creek to design and build a pre-engineered fire hall building. Through the design build process, GVN worked closely with the Town of Maple Creek’s team to collaboratively develop and construct a building that met the community needs and within the budget.

The fire hall features a low maintenance metal roof and wall cladding system with an attractive stone veneer wainscot. The interior fire truck bays are lined with easy to clean metal liner panel. To keep costs down, a wood framed independent mezzanine was built for storage. The administrative area encompasses finished office and training spaces, washroom facilities, laundry and mechanical rooms.

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