AMBA Featured Member: Genron

AMBA - Featured Member - BRYTEX - 2021-09-10.png


With 56 years of building communities in Western Canada, specializing in building and roofing construction, the Genron Group of Companies has you covered.

Genron is committed to working collaboratively with industry partners to ensure that the construction solution meets your needs, budget and timeline and delivers a project that will work hard for you for years to come.

As a member of the Alberta Metal Building Association, Genron supports safe and quality metal building construction throughout Western Canada. The Alberta Metal Building Association thanks Genron for their continued support.

For assistance on your construction need:

Contact Craig Alexander by phone: 780-743-3448 or by email:

We would like to feature your company in our upcoming social media campaign featuring each of our members including a brief history of your company and your business values to help shed some light to the pre-engineered metal building industry in Alberta.

Please complete the survey below to participate. We look forward to hearing from you and sharing your story!