Provincial Apprenticeship Committee (PAC)

Provincial Apprenticeship Committee.jpg

Bill 67, the Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Education Act repeals and replaces the Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act to make the system more flexible, reduce red tape and give Alberta’s workforce new tools to meet emerging challenges (

Industry Network Committee Members have been advised that all committee and sub-committee work will be suspended until proclamation of Bill 67, which is expected to occur early 2022. Memberships will remain active up until the bill is proclaimed and committees may be asked to meet to address any emergent issues on an as needed basis.

Any future changes to the apprenticeship system will be postponed until Bill 67 has been proclaimed. At which time, Industry Network Committees will continue to play a critical role in guiding apprenticeship education and certification.

Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AAIT) Board will not be pursuing renewals or recruitment to the existing industry network, which includes the PAC. Once the new act is proclaimed, all existing memberships created under the AIT Act will automatically expire. All memberships of future committees created under the direction of the Alberta Board of Skilled Trades will be initiated as new memberships.

At the time of this publication, we are not sure what the impact will be on the current committees, post proclamation of Bill 67. Our Alberta Metal Building Association Board (AMBA) remains committed to promoting well trained Metal Building System Erectors and will continue to be a united voice for our industry to support safe and quality Metal Building construction.